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Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong and his lasting legacy in the hearts of Hanoi's citizens_lucky 7 online casino-truc tiep euro 2024 xoilac

The passing of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, has left the p lucky 7 online casino

Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong and his lasting legacy in the hearts of Hanoi's citizens_lucky 7 online casino

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Thelucky 7 online casino passing of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, has left the people of Hanoi and the entire nation in profound mourning.

The people of Hanoi and the entire country are deeply saddened by the passing of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam. As they bid farewell to their esteemed leader, the citizens of the capital expressed their respect and admiration for a figure who embodied the spirit and greatness of the Vietnamese people.

Labor Hero Nguyen Anh Tri, 14th and 15th National Assembly deputy

It was a great honor to serve as a National Assembly delegate for Hanoi alongside General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Throughout my time in the National Assembly, I have cherished many memories and admiration for him.

Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, meets with voters in Hanoi before the 6th Session of the 15th National Assembly (October and November 2023). Photo: Thanh Hai/The Hanoi Times

General Secretary Trong was a model of a responsible leader. In meetings, he would listen carefully to the delegates, emphasize key points, and propose issues succinctly to save time. "Very responsible speech," he would reply, shaking the hand of the delegate with whom he agreed.

He was always open to everyone's opinions, whether from National Assembly members, voters, or people across the country. Despite his busy schedule, he made time to meet with constituents and discuss difficult issues without hesitation. After each meeting, he explained how the Party and State planned to address public concerns, especially in the fight against corruption and negativity.

By engaging with constituents and having intimate conversations, he fostered great trust in the Party and the National Assembly. One profound memory from my retirement in October 2017 stands out. Thousands came to see me off. The General Secretary knew about this moment, and at the opening session of the National Assembly a few days later, he shook my hand and said: "It's great that so many people miss you." His words were a great reward and encouragement to me.

General Secretary Trong made immense contributions to the country and symbolized the unity of the nation, the Party and the people. His leadership has significantly advanced our country's development in economic, cultural and political stability. His efforts in fighting corruption were exemplary, demonstrating his commitment to action and humanity.

Vietnam's foreign policy has achieved unprecedented prestige. Deeply integrated into global trends, Vietnam's "bamboo diplomacy" has maintained stability, peace and growth. The country is now respected worldwide, and many of the world's major countries have signed comprehensive strategic cooperation agreements with Vietnam. This success is a significant victory.

Nguyen Van Truong, Deputy Secretary of Ha Dong District Party Committee

Upon hearing the news of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing, cadres, Party members, and residents of Ha Dong District were deeply grieved. Many showed their respect by changing their profile pictures on social media to black or flying flags at half-mast to bid farewell to a great national figure.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attends the Great National Unity Festival in Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi in November 2018. Photo: The Hanoi Times

At the age of 80, with 57 years of Party militancy, General Secretary Trong dedicated his life to the noble ideals of the Party. He was a shining example of revolutionary ethics, a wise politician, an intellectual and an excellent Party theoretician. His life was devoted to national independence, socialism, and the happiness of the people.

The media, officials, Party members, and the people of Ha Dong District have closely followed his speeches and appreciated his sincerity and sharing. His books, such as "Resolutely and Persistently Fighting Corruption and Negativity" and "Building and Developing Vietnam's Foreign Policy and Diplomacy," have shown his intelligence, courage, strategic thinking, and dedication.

Officials and people were particularly impressed by his statement: "Human life is lived only once; we must live it meaningfully, without regret for despicable, cowardly, or shameless actions. Money is useless if you can't take it with you when you die." It reflects the temper of a revolutionary soldier, an example of morality, and the heart of a "Bac Ha scholar" in building and rectifying the Party and fighting corruption. It sums up a lifetime of study, training, experience and dedication, and serves as a spiritual and humane teaching for all.

The passing away of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong brings deep sorrow to the entire Party, the army, and all our people. Inspired by his example, the cadres, Party members and residents of Ha Dong District pledge to maintain unshakable faith in the Party, unite and work together to build our homeland into an increasingly prosperous, beautiful, civilized, intelligent, and modern nation.

Nguyen Thi Minh Hien, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Dong Da District

Although I had only met General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong twice in person during meetings between National Assembly delegates and voters in Constituency No.1, those meetings left a lasting impression on me and my staff. Working for the Fatherland Front Committee brings honor, pride and unforgettable memories.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets voters in Hanoi before the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly (May-June 2023). Photo: Tri Dung/The Hanoi Times 

My first meeting at the Ba Dinh District Hall as chairwoman of the Dong Da District Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front is still fresh in my mind. At that time I could only watch the General Secretary from a distance. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to talk to him during a break and take souvenir photos with him. My feelings of honor, pride and joy were unforgettable.

The second time I was very anxious to carry out my duties as co-chairman of the voters' meeting of Constituency No. 1 in Dong Da District. Although I was prepared, I was often so absorbed in listening to the General Secretary's speech that I almost forgot my duties to the Fatherland Front Committee.

Every opinion expressed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reflected his deep concern for the Party, the nation and the country's future. Throughout the two sessions, I witnessed his respectful and cordial interactions with each individual. He respected and listened to each voter's opinion, demonstrating that although he is the highest authority of the Party, he is both visionary and deeply compassionate.

The passing away of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a great loss to officials, Party members and people throughout the country, especially in Dong Da District. He has left an unfillable void in the hearts of all officials working in the Fatherland Front Committee. I am particularly impressed by the General Secretary's "Vietnamese bamboo" foreign policy, which embodies both softness and strength, flexibility and creativity, as well as toughness and courage.

Farewell to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, an outstanding politician of Vietnam, a loyal communist soldier who dedicated his life to the cause of the country and its people.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Anh Quyen - Doctoral student at the Military Technical Academy

When I heard that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong had passed away, I was deeply saddened. It was as if we had lost a family member. Having met him twice in 2017 and 2019, I found that Mr Trong had a simple lifestyle and was close to his comrades and the people. Especially with the soldiers, he was always affectionate.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong attends a military-political conference in 2017. Photo: HTV 

He was always very focused on developing an elite, conventional, revolutionary and increasingly modern military. In all circumstances, he always carried out the tasks assigned to him. He placed great emphasis on proactive disaster prevention, rescue operations and the fight against fabricated and hostile viewpoints.

Mr. Trong always reminded us to always be steadfast, united, and resilient in overcoming difficulties to fulfill all the tasks entrusted to us. This is valuable because maintaining internal stability in today's complex global situation is not something that every country can achieve.

He advised us to study hard, research and master new technologies and weapons to serve and protect the nation, which motivated me to maintain the pioneering role of the young generation in the army and to strive in my studies and research to complete my PhD.

I was also impressed by his rigorous implementation of Party policies, upholding the Constitution and laws, and ensuring human rights. He always selected officials with sufficient qualities and abilities to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development. In the fight against corruption, he showed a spirit of unrelenting struggle "without stopping, without resting" and "without forbidden zones, without exceptions".

Despite his advanced age, Uncle Trọng and his wife led a simple and honest life, with no domestic help. His children worked in ordinary jobs, reflecting his belief that they should be responsible for their own lives and careers. He lived on his salary, refusing to take any extra income outside the permitted regime.

Mr. Trong has served the Party, the country and the people wholeheartedly, dedicating his efforts, intellect and bravery to maintaining discipline and ethics within the Party.  He is a shining example for the army and the country to follow. He was never one to take time off or relax; the song dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh, "All His Life for the Nation, for the People", perfectly captures his spirit.

truc tiep euro 2024 xoilac » Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong and his lasting legacy in the hearts of Hanoi's citizens_lucky 7 online casino
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